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Your Recruitment Partner



After supplying temporary labour to the GTA market for a number of years, Tom Beechener felt there was a gap in the way the office staff market was being serviced.

He noticed that temporary office suppliers were acting as if all companies needed were fast typists and people who knew how to file. Tom knew this was not so. Even temporary office staff have to live up to the requirements of the company they are being sent to.

Tom had a better idea. Why not find out exactly what the client needs the office staff for, and what the working environment is like, so he can send exactly the right kind of staff to suit the job and fit into the culture.

This means that JustOffice not only has to understand each client’s office culture, but also has to really understand the strengths and weaknesses of each temporary employee they have in their pool. These are revolutionary ideas in the temporary office market, because all this investigation and research costs extra money for each and every staffer and each and every client need. Tom believes it is money well spent.

Everyone should find something they love doing. Then work isn’t work. It’s a part of themselves. Of who they are.
— Paul McCauley