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What We Provide You


Offering Positions Such As:

Data Entry Specialists

Quality Control Clerks


Accounting Clerks

Administrative Assistants

Inventory Clerks

Temporary Staff You Can Rely On

Too often in the past, temporary office staff have just been worker bees relegated to the typing pool. They did routine work that required no intelligence to back up fast typing speed. To get your projects done today, you need more than mindless drones.

We specialize in uncovering sharp, intelligent office staff that can make a difference in your operation’s productivity. We deliver the staff you need to get the job done, and done right.

Getting The Right Staff The First Time Around

As you already know, running ads brings in dozens of the wrong candidates. You and your staff are taxed to filter through this overwhelming onslaught of resumés and walk-ins.

All of the temporary staff we send to you undergoes a unique, comprehensive screening process. We use it to match the special qualities of the individual with your unique set of needs.

Team Players Are Not Born On Trees

By screening candidates before we send them to you, candidates’ talents are discovered and matched to your needs. One of the most sought after talents is the ability to fit into a team environment. Skills and knowledge are only a part of the mix. If your environment is team-based, you need those special people who can drop right into a team and hit the floor running.

Why Should You Pay More Than a Staff Member is Worth to You

We have no set fee schedules. Your needs are unique, the staff who meets your needs is special. This doesn’t mean that you should pay a premium for the right staff. Because of our business model, we can almost always save you money on your staffing needs.

The "Temporary to Permanent" Strategy

Often referred to as "temp to perm"… this is the term used when a company initially orders an individual from a staffing agency on a temporary basis… then after some time, the company hires the individual, on a full time basis.

This strategy is growing in popularity and is viewed in several H.R. professional circles as the way of the future.

Culture is so important in todays workplace. Hiring an individual that does not fit the culture brings unrest to the balance of the group. Meaning disruption to the workflow, inefficiencies and, ultimately, a dysfunctional workforce.

Work habits. Does the new individual have personal issues that don't fit with the corporate philosophies, or do they have different priorities than those they work with?

These issues, along with many other work habits can be identified when the new individual works on a temporary basis for approximately three months before the decision is made to hire them.

JustOffice Personnel has tailored many temporary to permanent arrangements for their customers, both benefitting the client and the placement. A short term temporary placement also benefits the worker, as they get an opportunity to work within the company environment for a period, before having to commit long term.